
Secret Tips For More Efficient Driving

Safe driving

Kenyan traffic is no joke and aggressive driving occurs more frequently than not. Reckless driving results in multiple accidents every year, so it is crucial to be constantly aware before you get hurt. A big issue with these reckless drivers is that you can’t really spot them until it’s too late. Here Garicorp gives you a few helpful tips to avoid reckless driving:


1. Remove Excess Weight

Avoid keeping unnecessary items in your vehicle, especially heavy ones. An extra 50 kgs in your vehicle could reduce your MPG by about 1%.6 The reduction is based on the percentage of extra weight relative to the vehicle’s weight and affects smaller vehicles more than larger ones.

2. Adjust Car Mirrors

Side mirrors and rear-view mirrors are the best friends of a driver. Before driving, adjust the side mirrors properly to get the full view of the road ahead. Make sure there is no blind spot (part of the road which is not visible) in the mirror.

In case you do not know, every standard rear-view mirror comes with 2 modes for day and night. While driving at night, pull down the mirror to switch to the night mode.

3. Turn the lights on High Beams during Cold Seasons

In the cold season, it is difficult to start the car engine at the first attempt. You can turn on the high beam and heat up the battery before starting. Turning on the radio or the indicator will also do the same job.

4. Driving in Fog

Fogs can make the view difficult while driving, so you need to be extra careful. Never use the lights on high beams in a foggy environment, as it will reflect the air vapor. Lower beam is the right choice or you can turn on the fog light.

5. Drive Slow and Steady in an Unknown Place

Driving can take us through some unknown roads and places. Remember that there is a high chance of accidents in unfamiliar places. While on familiar roads, you can explore the surroundings. But control this urge of exploring in a new area and focus on driving the vehicle attentively.

6. Get Unstuck from Mud

Having the vehicle stuck in sand or mud is extremely frustrating. Obviously, you will get help if another car is available nearby. Otherwise, drivers can use their hands or shovel or any other object to remove as much snow or mud as possible from around the wheels. This will help the car to get back momentum.

7. Avoid Excessive Idling

Idling can use a quarter to a half gallon of fuel per hour, depending on engine size and air conditioner (AC) use. Turn off your engine when your vehicle is parked. It only takes about 10 seconds worth of fuel to restart your vehicle.

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