

Motor Vehicle Valuation

Valuation is the estimate value of monetary value of the vehicle. Choosing a car to buy can be hectic, especially buying a used car, when one does not know the status of the vehicle. GARICORP offers valuation and inspection of all types of motor vehicles, should it be for insurance, resale, purchase of motor vehicle, or to ascertain the condition of the vehicle.
ALL GARICORP members get discounted rates for valuation services.
Motor valuation/inspection is a specialist field, which requires in-depth technical/motor knowledge. We thoroughly inspect the vehicle in question and produce an unbiased report. As such, the valuer has to be impartial, independent and honest. The value concepts include fair market valuation and pre-insurance valuation.
GARICORP has been market-tested on the above virtues over years and has stood out as a leader in the motor valuation industry. In view of these important virtues, GARICORP reports have found wide acceptance in the market. One of the main features of the reports are the vehicle’s photographs which are attached to the report as it is being handed over to our principal. GARICORP has made improvements and embracing of new technologies have been incorporated to ensure that the valuation/assessment procedures change with time. Our valuation services include:-

Pre-insurance valuation service

This is done purchasing or renewal of insurance cover to ensure that vehicles are insured for what they are really worth. This guards against any difficulties and uncertainties in case of theft or accident and gives ready answers in relation to the pre-theft or pre-accident prices.

Towing Process
Vehicle Inspection

Motor assessment

This covers accident assessment, pre-theft assessment, pre-accident assessment and post-accident assessment.

Comprehensive Mechanical Inspection

This is done to ascertain the actual mechanical condition of the vehicle. All systems of the vehicle are checked and a comprehensive report is issued.

Independent opinion inspection

In cases of disputes, GARICORP carries out an inspection and gives an independent opinion. The inspection is carried out on the specific part of the vehicle under dispute or in question and an independent and impartial report is given.

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